Saturday, August 31, 2019
Of Endings and Closures Essay
When reading a novel, some cannot avoid but get carried away by the emotions and experiences of the characters. Some novelists are very good not only at capturing interest of their readers but also getting them involved in the turn of events. Through the dialogues, the characters, and the plot, the readers are compelled to think, feel, and even dream. With vivid imagination, readers can feel like they are active participants to the story. Taking this into consideration, authors should consider what the readers would feel upon reading a story. Although the beginning of the story is one very important part of the plot, the ending is more important for it concludes and seals in every knot, each loose end presented throughout the story. It decides what will happen to the characters, and suggests to the readers how they should think or react to the situation or feelings presented. They compel the readers to continue the thought implied at the end, or to imagine the scenes come true in reality. This way the story’s ending is very important. Without it the story will not reach its finality. Designing a suitable ending is very important. Based on the thoughts and experiences of the characters, the ending should provide a finality to make the work complete. It should provide conclusion to the themes of the story, and tie every loose end so as not to leave the audience hanging. Although some stories are open-ended, where readers are asked to decide what happens next, these stories still suggest a specific ending considering the events that proceeded. The point is, as the reader closes the book, they should be left with a thought to provoke other thoughts that they could apply in their own experiences. A story’s ending does not always have to be happy. There are endings that are meant to be sad especially if this is where the main character is led throughout the story. In learning about point of view, we see how the story’s angle of narration connects with the ending. Based on this, a story with the omniscient angle is likely to have a happy ending, where all characters will be settled in place, those who are good will be rewarded, while those who are bad will be punished. In contrast, a story presenting the psychological angle will likely constitute a sad ending or death of someone connected to the main character. These two angles are the ones used in the novels of two great classical women writers, Jane Austen and Emily Bronte. Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey presents the omniscient angle, while Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights uses the psychological angle, being told by Lockwood, who makes a reflection on what is happening around him. In Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen employs the omniscient angle. Although the story is focused on Catherine as the main character, subplots are used to tell experiences, especially love affairs of other characters like Isabella, Eleanor, John, and James. Told in the omniscient angle, the author provides a closure to every subplot, and finally leads to the major one, the conclusion for the major character’s journey. Noticeably, different sub-endings are employed in the story. The end of Isabella’s affair with James (Catherine’s brother) is not successful, neither is her relationship with Frederick. Similarly, the arrogant John Thorpe does not succeed in winning Catherine’s heart, while Eleanor (Henry’s sister) gets to marry a wealthy and prominent man, an ending somehow related to that of Catherine’s. Told in the omniscient angle, the narrator seems to see everything happening among the characters. Although the focus is on the development in the life of the young woman, other events that intertwine are also told by the omniscient narrator. As such, the deeds and feelings of the characters are revealed in the story. If follows that those who are good-natured, those who does not fake affection like Catherine, Eleanor, and Henry are granted proper treatment in the story, with a proper ending for all of them. In relation, those who do not do good, and feign affection are punished, such as Isabella and John. The omniscient angle affects the story or vice versa for it considers the effect on the readers. As mentioned, those who should be punished lose in the unraveling of events, and those who are good triumph. In contrast, Emily Bronte uses the psychological angle in her novel, Wuthering Heights. The story is told by Lockwood, who serves as a major participant in the story for he is the one giving account and reflecting on the major characters’ experiences. Although he is not a major character in the plot involving Heathcliff and those who have died, he plays an important role in that the story of Heathcliff affects him directly, and makes him write his own point of view regarding other characters. As the major narrator who takes interest in his landlord’s story, he portrays Heathcliff with some psychological imbalance, giving his account a psychological treatment. The angle by which the story is told relates with the ending of the story. Being told in the major character’s viewpoint, it gives account on what happens to the main character, Heathcliff, his affections, sufferings, emotional imbalance, etc. Through this angle we see how the death of Catherine Earnshaw affects Heathcliff, and how the anger inside him makes him fall into a tragic pit. Aside from point of view, the kind of characters present in the story affects the treatment and the ending. Both novels employ the concept of bildungsroman, thus providing the psychological, moral and intellectual development of the characters from the time they are young. As such, in Austen’s Northanger Abbey, we see how the naive Catherine grows up to be a self-assured individual. As the character’s journey continues, she meets different people to help her gain new insights about life, and she matures more with the experiences she has. Although some events lead her to feel dismayed such as the feign feelings of Isabella towards her brother, and the arrogance of John, the encounters she has makes her a more mature person. Moreover, her encounters with the Linton and the captain’s hospitality of sending her back home contribute to her development, for these help her explore the world and find her place in it. The positive development of Austen’s character normally leads to a positive ending. As the events unravel, the readers may expect a happy ending for the character. Although Henry’s proposal comes a little later than she wishes, it concludes the major character’s ultimate wish, and justifies the preparation Catherine undergoes in being a full-grown woman. The plot is designed in such a way that the character experiences all the necessary events in her life, including the waiting and rejection, for her to satisfy a more important role in the end, that is fulfilling her wish to be a family woman. The same concept of bildungsroman is applied by Bronte in the character of Heathcliff. This starts with the adoption of Heathcliff by Mr. Earnshaw despite the strong disapproval of Hindley. In the story, we see that the weak boy turns into a strong and influential man when he grows up. However, unlike the protagonist of Austen, Heathcliff develops in a rather negative way. His hatred towards Hindley and Edgar Linton makes him bitter and this does not change until the end. Although there is development, it is negative, thus leading to the tragic ending of the said character. There is a clear relevance between the negative development Heathcliff undergoes and the sad ending he encounters. Some readers who prefer a happy ending would still expect Heathcliff to change along the way, especially when he finally reunites with his son. However, it is only rational and more realistic that the former events lead to the tragic ending. The melancholy the character imposes on himself and others correspond to the ending that Bronte gives. The cruel and unforgiving personality Heathcliff projects reasonably leads to his bad fate. We may say that this is more reasonable than make him reflect on everything he has done and have him repent at the end. Although having him repent for his sins would make the story more cathartic as what would be explained later, the ending by Bronte may have better relevance during the time the novel was written. The theme of misery is probably more appealing to the people during its milieu, that is why faith in God and religion is not emphasized in the story. Moreover, the novel’s themes of misery and revenge are two intertwined motifs. Heathcliff suffers misery because of his cruelty and wish for revenge. He insists on having his way on everything, even if doing so would hurt the people around him. The misery he feels later leads him to insanity, as he talks to Catherine’s ghost on his own. It probably appealed more to the audience to have Heathcliff suffer at the end than have him repent and change his ways. The question of catharsis is another consideration in evaluating the ending of a story. Catharsis as Meriam Webster Online Dictionary defines (2008), â€Å"is a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension. In employing catharsis, the author should use elements to balance the good and evil in the story. For instance, crime stories with criminals as the main characters should not just portray them as bad people, but also as good ones. One classic example is Robin Hood. In this tale we see that the protagonist steals from the rich to give the goods to the poor people. By making him champion the cause of the poor, the character is an example of a cathartic hero. Even though stealing from the rich is a crime, it is made positive and thus gains approval from those in the lower class. This way, the story becomes cathartic. In Northanger Abbey, we see catharsis in the lives of the characters. First, we see the consequences in the life of Isabella. When she falls in love with James, she also remains as Catherine’s friend, but when she leaves James for Frederick, she loses her bestfriend and the man who loves her. Such fate of an unfaithful lover demonstrates the author’s way of achieving catharsis. It reveals that unfaithfulness will not lead to finding true love, and retribution will come later on.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Micheal Jordan
Basketball is a team sport with five players per team. There’s a center, power forward, small forward, point guard, and shooting guard. Brought up in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, it has become one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in America. The objective of basketball is to shoot a round ball into a hoop placed ten feet in the air. Basketball consists of many rules and regulations or fouls. There are two types of fouls: technical fouls and disqualifying fouls. Today there are two leagues: the NBA (national basketball association) and the WNBA or women’s basketball association.Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn New York. He began to try to start his sports career by playing all available sports in high school. His junior year he was recruited to the University of North Carolina to play college basketball and from there he was drafted third overall to the Chicago Bulls in 1997 were his career starts and he becomes the widely popul ar icon you know. Michael started his team with a championship and an MVP award for himself. Jordan â€Å"transcended†basketball and became a national icon for great artistry, dignity, and history. Michael is very popular and has many nicknames.He had names that transcended basketball. Names such as â€Å"Air Jordan â€Å"and â€Å"His Airness â€Å" but he’s best known by his initials M. J. Jordan was very well known and acknowledged by big stars. He starred in the movie â€Å"Space Jam†and was the star of the movie â€Å"Like Mike†. He has his own shoe line that came out in 1985 and is called Air Jordan’s which are widely popular and sponsored by Nike. Jordan is sponsored by many companies and he has been in many commercials supporting them. He has been in commercials such as Wheaties, Gatorade, McDonalds, Nike, and many more. Jordan has been to the Olympics twice for basketball.He has been to Los Angeles in 1984 where he and his team took the gold. He also went to Barcelona in 1992 with his â€Å"Dream Team†were they took the gold again. He’s also been to two other American games were he also took the gold. He was in the FIBA American Games in Portland during 1992 and the Pan American Games in Caracas during 1983. Michael is now forty-six years old and owns the Charlotte Bobcats and other sports teams. He retired early in the 2004 season to his house in Wilmington, North Carolina. Jordan retired with over three hundred million dollars in his bank account.He has three kids, two boys Larry Jordan and James R. Jordan Jr. He also has a daughter Jasmine Jordan who was his youngest child. Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls who are one of the most popular and decorated teams in American history. The team was founded in 1966 by Dick Klein. Their owner is Jerry Reinsdorf their general manager is Gar Forman and their head coach Tom Thibodeau. The team has an estimated value of 600 million dollars. The team has won six championships and six MVP awards. Their also the only team in recorded history to win seventy-two games in one season.There part of the central division and the eastern conference. Their colors are white, black, and red. And they have an era devoted to M. J. called the Michael Jordan era which took place in the years 1984 through 1998. Michael Jordan is the biggest idol in basketball and sports history. He is widely known and very popular. Michael changed basketball history. He was a turning point in basketball that led the basketball world to new heights by inventing the â€Å" dunk â€Å" and many other things that are natural to see in basketball now. He changed basketball its fans and the world.
Advantages of Road Transport
There are numerous advantages of road transport in comparison to other modes of transport. 1. Less capital quality:- Road transport required much less capital investment as compared to other modes of transport such as railways and air transport. 2. Door to door services: – The outstanding advantage of road transport is that it provides door to door or warehouse to warehouse services. 8. Saving in packing cost: – As compared to other modes of transport, the process of packing in motor transport is less complicated. Goods transported by motor transport require less packing or no packing in several cases. Flexible services:- Road transport has a great advantage over other modes of transport for its flexible services. Its routes and timings can be adjusted and changed to individual requirements without much inconvenience. 5. Suitable for short distance:- Delays in transit of gods on account of intermediate loading and handling are avoided. Goods can be loaded direct into a road vehicle and transported straight to their place of destination. Price skimming is a business technique which involves charging a high price for a product when it is released initially, and gradually lowering the price over time. The goal of this practice is to ensure that the price matches consumer willingness to pay, generating profits for the company both over time and in the short term. nder some market conditions, the use of price skimming is a strategy to grab higher profits with a new or differentiated product. By charging high prices initially, a company can build a high-quality image for its product. Charging initial high prices allows the firm the luxury of reducing them when the threat of competition arrives. By contrast, a lower initial price would be difficult to increase without risking the loss of sales volume.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Economic impacts of gambling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economic impacts of gambling - Essay Example To address this issue, gambling agencies and brokers have moved outside of the United States in order to provide an online service, which does not have to respond to the particular legal issues of any one region of the country. With the help of these online gambling websites, the industry has become a major commercial industry, with nearly $335 billion dollars in annual revenue (Leaders). Clearly, there is an economic effect of gambling within the United States; however, the nature and value of this effect is worth consideration. According to Williams, Rehm and Stevens (2011), the research literature examining the effects of gambling on the economy is rich, with over 492 studies addressing the issue alone. Part of this large-scale interest in gambling by economists and other social scientists has to do with the policy decisions that come about constant debate about the worth of casinos and other gambling institutions. While most of these studies are not empirical and look only at the relationship between certain factors like problem gambling and gambling institution proximity, many of these studies do in fact examine the economic issues that arise when a gambling institution is established in a certain locale. ... Gambling tends to benefit government revenue because governments tend to tax casinos more due to the nature of their business and for the fact that profit margins of gambling institutions tend to be higher than any other industry (Leaders). Governments may also benefit from gambling in the sense that they are service provider, such as the case is with lotteries. The profit from these systems is often put into a program or service that receives public support. In Europe, gambling monopolies are held by the government and not private enterprise (Meyer-Arendt and Hartmann). Accordingly, there seems to be a consistency in the results of empirical studies finding that gambling institutions tend to increase the profits of the government at the same time it leads to profits for the industry. Because governments use these profits from gambling, they provide additional public services that would not have been affordable from taxes alone. Governments, as one of the primary beneficiaries, eithe r utilize the public services argument or earmark certain laws in order to maximize their own profit. Thus, gambling can have wide ranges of effects in terms of what the government believes is possible for their public services based on the profits extracted from the gambling industry (Anders). On the other side of the coin, governments may decide to lower taxes instead of providing these public services, which will affect businesses and residents within the jurisdiction of that government (Rankine and Haigh). Any policy related to taxes will eventually affect individual decision-making and incentives. Based on the share of the profits that governments collect from gambling, which can be quite substantial, this effect on taxes
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore Essay
Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore - Essay Example The level of literacy in America has been declining remarkably. Statistics indicate that the education system in the United States is failing. Estimates indicate, â€Å"ninety-three million American adults or about forty-five percent have limited math and writing skills†(Literacy Texas.). The statistics are startling since the low literacy skills can have negative effects on the global image of the United States. In 2003, an assessment pointed out that one adult in a group of three Americans is unable to display reading skills (Literacy Texas). Similarly, a section of the American population has low health literacy. The low health literacy has been pointed as a top predictor and contributor to mortality. In Texas, the literacy programs serve a small number of Americans in need of writing and reading skills. In effect, the declining levels of literacy displace America from the perceived top position on the globe. Thus, it is important to remedy the problem by boosting the lite racy levels. The statistics of infant mortality and life expectancy in the US are startling. The video clip indicates that the US is forty-ninth in infant mortality and hundred and seventy-eighth in infant mortality (Taube). A health report pointed out that Americans have a low life expectancy as compared to other wealthy nations. The short life expectancy is attributable to violence, especially from the people who possess guns. According to the estimates, â€Å"approximately six violent deaths occur in every hundred thousand residents†(Castillo).
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
GOSSIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
GOSSIP - Essay Example For Dunbar (2004), gossip’s function is to weed out unscrupulous individuals which, in turn, helps the species to propagate. These two theories are examined in depth below. The first theory that will be examined is one put forth by Wert and Salovey in their article â€Å"A Social Comparison Account of Gossip†(Wert & Salovey, 2004). Wert & Salovey state that gossip has a function in social comparison theory, which states that we, as human beings, have a need to compare ourselves to others, because, by doing this, we are evaluating ourselves by actual, objective criteria (Wert & Salovey, 2004, p. 123). Wert & Salovey’s theory is helpful to understand why people gossip in a negative way, despite the fact that such gossip may backfire on the gossiper because the people hearing the gossip may feel threatened because the gossiper probably negatively talks about the hearer in the same way (Kurland & Pelled, 2000, p. 429). The six types of this kind of social comparison , and how gossip functions in each, are defined below. The first kind of comparison examined is the comparison with similar others. Gossip serves a function is this kind of comparison, because individuals are trying to figure out how to behave and act, and how not to behave and act, by comparing themselves to these similar peers. ... This kind of comparison is sought to make people feel better about themselves – as in thinking â€Å"my life isn’t great, but look at that person – my life certainly could get worse†(Wert & Salovey, 2004, p. 125). Gossiping serves a purpose in this kind of comparison, because it provides a way to indirectly compare oneself to others who are less fortunate or less skilled then oneself, and this bolster’s one’s self-esteem (Wert & Salovey, 2004, p. 125). The third type of social comparison is the upward social comparison, in which one compares oneself to others higher on the proverbial totem pole. One of the functions of this kind of gossip is to tear down the wealthy person if one does not have a chance to attain the wealth for oneself, and this can result from a feeling of injustice, in that the person does not â€Å"deserve†his or her wealth(Wert & Salovey, 2004, p. 127). The fourth type is in-group and out-group comparisons. This i s a classic â€Å"them v. us†comparison. In this case, gossip serves the purpose of making the out-group seem negative, in order to bolster the in-group, and the individuals’ sense of identity that comes from belonging to the in-group (Wert & Salovey, 2004, pp. 127-128). It also establishes who is and who is not a part of the group, as well as establishing the norms for the in-group (Wert & Salovey, 2004, p. 128). Baumeister et al., (2004) refers to this as gossip as cultural learning, in that people in a given culture may learn more about their own culture by relating the successes and failures of others, both within and without that culture (Baumeister et al, 2004, p. 120). Related to in-group and out-group comparisons is the fifth type of social comparison, which is constructed social comparisons, in which an
Monday, August 26, 2019
Week 11 Exercise Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 11 Exercise - Coursework Example 3. Location J is the Rua Manuel Viera de Sousa, 81 in Mooca district, in Sao Paulo city. The region is the fastest growing and developing area in the city and has a population estimate of 65, 000 people. Among these people in Mooca district, two out of every three are Italians, who moved to the area in the 1900’s to offer labour to the industries in the area. Sao Paulo city has a total population of 11, 316, 149 people. The city is the most populated city in both Brazil and South America. It is a city with the most diverse ethnic groups, consisting of Whites, Asians, Blacks, Brown (mixed people) and the Amerindian people (CIA World Fact Book 1). 4. Location E shows a sparsely and less populated area within Brazil, depicting the unevenness of the population distribution in the country. The primary factors contributing to the uneven distribution of people in the area is the high rural to urban migration that has resulted to high populations in the cities and he unfavourable climatic conditions. Most people have been moving to cities to look for employment and better living standards. As a result, the rural areas have been left without people. Most rural parts of Brazil experience high temperatures that go beyond 25Â °C. This causes frequent droughts, which have attributed to the migration of people to other regions in search of better living standards (CIA World Fact Book 1). 6. The feature shown by location C is Machu Picchu. It was built by the Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, the ninth emperor of the Inca in the 1400’s. Machu Picchu is an important tourist attraction site in Peru and among the most famous destinations in the world. It is a significant heritage site in the world and is full of cultural significance. It sits at 2, 430 meters above sea level (CIA World Fact Book 1). 8. Location H is a copper mine. Copper accounts for 33% of the country’s (Chile) exports. In 2010, Chile exported copper worth $6
Sunday, August 25, 2019
RFID in retail industry - Implications on efficiency and security Dissertation
RFID in retail industry - Implications on efficiency and security - Dissertation Example The third objective of the study was to examine how the security concerns have been addressed by the retailers that have implemented the RFID technology. The study finds that retailers have not been addressing this concern with as much priority as they give to achieving efficiency in the business process. The customers’ privacy is encroached upon leading to security concerns. In addition to the security of the shoppers, the security of the retailers is also at stake if the shoppers walk in with transmitters or readers that can block the radio waves of the retailers. Secondary sources could not highlight how retailers have been addressing these issues. Overall, the study surmises that efficiencies have been achieved by the retailers to a great extent but it is difficult to quantify the benefits and cost savings. While RFID is here to stay and benefits have been achieved, the security concerns have not been adequately addressed by the retailers or their channel partners. Many ha ve tried to exploit the technology and use it to their benefit. Table of Contents Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Rationale for research 6 1.3 Research aims and objectives 7 1.4 Organization of the study 7 Chapter II Literature review 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 RFID technology 9 2.3 Benefits of RFID 11 2.4 Application of RFID 12 2.5 RFID in supply chain 13 2.6 RFID with a consumer-focused approach 15 2.7 RFID in the retail sector 17 2.8 Limitations of the RFID - Efficiency and Privacy 19 2.9 Summary of literature review 20 2.10 Theoretical framework - Theory of Diffusion of Innovation 21 Chapter III Methodology 3.1 Chapter Overview 23 3.2... The paper tells that the retail industry represents one of the largest industries worldwide. In the US it is the second largest industry in terms of the number of establishments and the number of employees. The food and beverages industry, a part of the retail sector, in the European Union, is the world’s largest with about 3 million employees as of 2005. However, in the last two decades the retail industry has undergone phenomenal changes and a variety of grocery store alternatives can now be found. These include different formats such as supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores. This sector too has been impacted by the forces of globalization and liberalization thereby facing aggressive competition and increasing cost pressures, along with ongoing changes in customer and industry demand. Sudden deterioration in consumer demand and the willingness to purchase have impacted and exerted downward pressure on the retailers to maintain efficiencies. Following the recession t he economic growth has been slow which reflects the weak consumer sector. Other challenges of the industry include the short shelf-life of grocery and other allied products, the need for temperature control and traceability of these goods. The number of stock keeping units (SKUs) has been growing necessitating that retailers keep track of them. Sales have exploded and it has become imperative to capture real-time sales information which enables planning for distribution and stocking of goods in an appropriate manner.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Science and Technology - Laboratory Course (SCI103-1404A-04) Lab Report
Science and Technology - Laboratory Course (SCI103-1404A-04) - Lab Report Example d 3 appear to be more acidic due to the fact that they are located on the downwind direction from the lake described as 1 which is surrounded by an industrial and settlement area. Carbon (iv) oxide and sulphur (iv) oxide are emissions associated with industrialization and are carried downwind by the wind and fall end up falling as acid rain. Lake 2 is found to suffer most from acidity as it is said to have a higher elevation as compared to Lake 3. Acidity falls in the form of either snow, rain or fog. The pH scale usually has a range running from 0-14. A pH value that is equal to 7 is said to be neutral. A pH value that is less than 7 is said to be acidic in nature and a pH that is greater than 7 is said to be basic. The PH scale is normally used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions that is present in a solution. A low pH usually represents solutions that have a high concentration of hydrogen ion while high PH usually represents solutions with low concentration of hydrogen ions. Acids on a PH scale are substances that when added to water increases the concentration of hydrogen ions thus lowering the PH. A base on the other hand usually lowers the concentration of hydrogen ions thus raising the PH. There are other substances called buffers that enable solutions to resist changes in
Friday, August 23, 2019
Describe an instance when you found yourself in a leadership Essay
Describe an instance when you found yourself in a leadership position.Discuss your contributions to the situation and what you learned about yourself - Essay Example Since the profits poured in big numbers, we received heavy bonuses from the company authorities which were shared amongst all the Sales Managers and myself. This was a time when I learned a great deal about my own self. I determined that to be on the top most position is not an easy job at all. One needs to be patient and confident all the time so that his leadership position remains in tact. One needed to communicate, listen to and comprehend other people so as to become an important leader. A leader is one who can solve problems, no matter these being of a very minute level as well. However, my hard work and commitment to the leadership role paid dividends in the long run. In the end, I will summarize that the leadership position comes with its own merits and demerits. It is responsibility of people, the company and for one’s own self, which I learned with the passage of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Changes in Earth's Albedo Measured by Satellite (Wielicki et al, 825) Essay
Changes in Earth's Albedo Measured by Satellite (Wielicki et al, 825) - Essay Example The global albedo is found to change with changes in the cloud cover, amount of atmospheric aerosols, and forest, snow, & ice cover on the earth’s surface. The magnitude of impact on global albedo due to events caused on earth can be demonstrated by the following example – A volcanic eruption in Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 released aerosols in the stratosphere, which raised global albedo by almost 0.007 in a span of two years. A larger increase in global albedo with unknown causes was reported to occur between 2001 and 2003. In order to investigate whether any significant changes in global albedo occurred between 2001 and 2003, Wielicki et al. examined the observations made by global satellites that measured changes in the earth’s albedo (825). These observations included those made by CERES (Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System) of NASA’s Terra spacecraft. The monthly anomalies in the data caused by seasonal changes were nullified and data was plotted. The data provided by CERES covers global observations for the complete solar spectrum ranging from a wavelength of 0.3 to 4 Â µm. The observations of the global data reveals a small decrease of about 0.006 in the global albedo corresponding to about 2 W m-2 decrease in the shortwave reflected flux. These results contradict with those obtained by Palle et al, who demonstrated a large increase of about 0.017 in the global albedo corresponding to an increase of about 6 W m-2 in the shortwave reflected flux. Independent observations made by two individual CERES instruments were compared. It is believed that the 1.1 W m-2 decrease in the flux observed by one of the CERES instruments could be due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation during a hemispheric scan. When taken into consideration, this further reduces the anomaly to 0.9 W m-2. Wielicki et al. further explain the effect of change in albedo on earth’s climate (825). When changes in land surface, aerosols, and fores t, snow and ice cover is the cause for change in albedo, then increasing albedo results cooling of the earth and decreasing albedo results in warming. These changes on earth’s surface significantly influence the amount of reflected solar radiation but have comparatively minor effects on the emitted thermal infrared radiation that results in cooling. Wielicki et al. contend that if observations made by Palle et al. were correct, then there would have been global cooling double of what had been observed in the Pinatubo eruption. However, such a global cooling was not observed. Furthermore, Wielicki et al. explain another possibility that the earth’s total ocean heat storage could witness a significant reduction. It is estimated that between 2000 to 2002, the ocean heat storage has experienced an increase of 0.7 W m-2. In order to account for the global changes in reflected solar flux, the flux in ocean heat storage was scaled to global surface area from an ocean-only are a utilized by Willis et al (Wielicki et al. 825). According to Wielicki et al, if changes in global albedo were occurring, then there would be a decrease of 0.7 Â ± 0.8 W m-2 in the reflected flux. This is found to be consistent with the observations made by CERES. Until now, only the effects of change in albedo have been discussed. Cloud changes may also be affecting both the earth’s albedo and its thermal infrared cooling, and may also be a cause for albedo changes that do not
The edge, by Dick Francis Essay Example for Free
The edge, by Dick Francis Essay Unlike with the setting, dialogue makes the theme or value come across easier because it can be said straight out rather than the viewer have to analyse the setting to find out. Although the theme or value can be shown easier, there is more to the dialogue than just the words. The way it is spoken can get it across stronger because it may have the ability to make the viewer sit up and listen and realise what the character is saying straight away. For example, in the scene where Peter is confronted by the man who killed his friend and former partner, the man says you wont kill me. Blokes like you need a reason and Peter replies very strongly saying Ive got a reason. and his name is Oscar Stone!! It comes across to the viewers very strongly that Peter is committed to not only the revenge of his friend, but also to ridding corruption from society. These three techniques work well together to set the viewers mind and thoughts to show them that the characters in the text are committed to the themes or values that are trying to be brought across. They convince the viewers that the text has meaning, so the viewers are more willing to believe and support the text. Journal B Novel Analysis: The Edge, Dick Francis Dick Francis The Edge explores the life of Torquil Kelsey, an undercover operative for a Jockey Club in England. Torquil is assigned to be the invisible needle in the haystack. He wonders around the racecourses like any other racegoer, but in doing so, listens in and explores all business that goes on inside the courses. His main objective is to rid racing of one of its notorious villains, the successful but dodgy Julius Apollo Filmer. For months the Jockey Club have been trying to find some dirt, any dirt, on Filmer and have so far been unsuccessful. Torquil later takes a train ride in which Filmer will also be on. Torquil knows all too well that Filmer will be up to something. Filmer is later found guilty of paying someone to sabotage the train ride and Filmer himself of wilfully attempting to kill Daffodil Quentins horse. Torquil Kelsey: Torquil, or Tor as some characters call him as a nickname, is an undercover operative for an English Jockey Club. He has been assigned to go from course to course and find out any illegal deals going on. He has an inquisitive nature. Being an undercover operative, he has the ability to be in a crowd without being noticed. He is very cluey. He can guess that certain things are going to happen before they do. Hes your typical good guy. Hes not the mean cop who beats people up to get information. He has the good guy charm with women. Julius Apollo Filmer: Filmer is the major racehorse owner around the area that the Jockey Club operates in. They have tried to get him warned off the course in the past but have never caught him. He is smart and smug. He never does his tasks evil deeds himself; he will always have a hired goon to do his work. He always has some evil deed planed out in his mind and does whatever he can do complete it. He associates with dodgy people, such as Daffodil Quentin. Themes The main themes of this novel are based around the triumph of good versus evil. Its really your typical police story. Police get a suspicion that the bad guy is going to do something evil, police try catch the bad guy doing it, police do a lot of investigating, bad guy eventually gets caught. Beliefs One major belief that I got out of this text was that the world should be rid of corruption. The aim of Torquil Kelsey is to rid the racing world of Julius Apollo Filmer and inturn ridding the racing world of the corruption he brings. Oral Task Based On Novel I believe the target audience of this novel is probably adults. Although I enjoyed reading it myself, I think the majority of the readers will be older. Also, the novel, like most other Dick Francis novels, has an element to do with horseracing, so this may also appeal to anyone interested in horseracing. If this interview were real, it would probably be broadcast on an AM radio station such as 720, which the station itself is aimed at the older part of society. The tape of this interview will be included with the rest of this assignment. Transcript Presenter: Im privileged to have a great author in the studio with me now. He has written such books as Smokescreen, Risk and High Stakes just to name a few. He is in Australia to promote his new novel The Edge. Good Afternoon, Dick Francis. Francis: Thankyou. Its great to be here. Presenter: So, your new novel The Edge. It has just been released here. How do you expect it will sell? Francis: Well I certainly hope it will sell very well. I have worked long and hard perfecting it. Presenter: I recently read this novel in preparation for this interview. I thought it to be a very good read. Me being 36, is that the age of audience you were intending this novel to be aimed at? Francis: Yes, thats about what I was thinking. Its definitely too complex for anyone below maybe 16, but middle school onwards was the target. Its really a matter of choice though. No matter what age you are, if youre just not into crime novels, which this novel is, then you just wont like it. Presenter: Yes. Now on that, would you like to fill our listeners in on the plot of this novel? Francis: Certainly. The Edge is about a young man named Torquil Kelsey working as an undercover operative for an English Jockey Club. He is required to be the invisible needle in the haystack if you like. He must roam around various racecourses in England and investigate any odd activities that take place and any odd characters to go with it. His main target is a villain named Julius Apollo Filmer. Filmer is a leader of corruption amongst the racing world. He is a bit like a King of Evil. He never completes his dirty deeds himself, but gets hired goons to complete them for him. He is in suspicion of a number of offences, so it is Torquils task to nail Filmer. He gets his best opportunity on a racegoers train around Canada, which Filmer is attending. Ill stop there as to not ruin the story for anyone by giving too many details. Presenter: Thats probably a good idea. You were formally a jockey before you turned to writing. Are any of the characters in the novel based on people youve come across in your time as a jockey? Francis: There is always a certain amount of truth involved in some parts of every novel, but nothing is an exact copy of the truth. Presenter: Tell us about our two main characters. Torquil the hero and Julius the villain. Francis: Well, Torquil has been brought up by his Aunt Viv, an avid racegoer. He has always been associated with horses and horse racing since he was a wee boy, so his knowledge of horses has helped him with is job around the racetracks. He is very inquisitive, very cluey, is able to spot things that most people would simply turn a blind eye to. He is a charmer also. Very good with the ladies. Julius is your typical villain. Seems fine on the outside, but you know that on the inside, theres evil brewing and his mind is devising a plan. He is an evil mastermind. Has the ability to devise the plans, but will never execute them himself. He must keep a clean look with the public otherwise his plans will be given away, so the hired goon is his way of going about getting that done. Presenter: I found it interesting to note that you always made the story continuos. You would rarely jump from scene to scene, instead you always describe exactly where your characters where going. I recall a part where Torquil must go from one end of the train to the other, and you describe exactly where he is walking, instead of just jumping straight to where he was heading to with a new paragraph. Was this deliberate? Francis: Yes, I believe that you must be very descriptive when writing a novel. Its not like a film where you can show viewers visually, so you must describe the exact surrounding very thoroughly. I find that if you jump straight to it, you can sometimes confuse readers and miss important details of the surroundings. Presenter: Well, thankyou Dick. I hope all goes well with the release of the novel and Ill look forward to reading more of your future novels. Francis: Thankyou Journal C I received a very insightful view into the industry of undercover policing after studying both the texts I chose. They showed a set of values that I had never really dwelled on before. The triumph of good over evil is something I am regularly exposed to, but ridding the world of corruption and the reasons for doing so had never really been considered. I realised from these texts that corruption in any industry can ruin the industry completely for society if untreated. The racing industry for instance, I was shown in The Edge that if the villain Julius Apollo Filmer had gone on with his evil deeds forever without anyone ever even trying to stop him, he would have eventually taken control of that industry and injected so much corruption into it that the public would eventually lose out. For example, if he had taken control of every horse in some way, he would be able to dictate races and the public would lose in some way or another. These texts both support my views and in some ways support them more than I do. A majority of the people in society would not support corruption of any form and I am no different, but it never really meant much to me. I support the views of the texts but I have never realised the effects corruption can have until I studied these texts. Like the texts, I believe corruption should be stopped at all costs. I would hate to be in a society where things can happen like they did in Stingers. If the chief of a police unit was corrupt and letting crime go and even going to the extent of helping the crimes be committed, then I would be horrified because I put my trust in that unit only to find out it is supporting the things it is supposed to be protecting me from. I support the view of good triumphing over evil. To drop this view down to an example at my level, it would have to be bullying in schools. It always brings a smile to my face when I see a bully getting what he deserves in return for his wicked deeds he has performed on an innocent student. Another example of this would be in a game of football. When an opponent tries to pull off an illegal move on someone but cant fool the umpire, it is always rewarding to see the player who was doing the right thing get rewarded the free kick. In The Edge, it was rewarding when I read at the end that Julius Apollo Filmer is caught and convicted of his crimes after the determination of Torquil Kelsey to find that last ounce of information that would put Filmer away. So I very much support all values identified in these texts. The episode of Stingers that I refer to in my studies is not a complete story. It just focuses on part of an ongoing story that has continued from previous episodes, so the villains have not yet been caught. I enjoyed studying these texts, because they challenged and changed my views. Although they didnt have a different view to what I already had, they allowed me to explore the views with more depth than I had before.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Child labour: Is it a Necessary Evil?
Child labour: Is it a Necessary Evil? Now days, the complex and universal problem of child labor have become a harsh reality attracting worldwide attention. The prevalence of child labour is economically unsound, psychologically disastrous and physically as well as morally dangerous. No doubt, labour is worship but child labour in dangerous and a blot on the conscience of society. It is a sad affair that child labour is deprived of his youthful life, education and thus prospects of higher level of living. Child labour perpetuates poverty, it does not reduce it as it condemns one generation after another to its vicious circle. Child labour harms the progress and prosperity of a nation. Throwing light on this fact, John has rightly said, Starve a child of food, of affection, of freedom, of education and you produce an adult who is stunted as an individual and holds back progress and development rather than accelerate it. Our country is also facing this critical problem of child labor. A wide variation is seen in the estimation of child labor in country. According to 1971, 1981 and 1991 census of India, the number of working children accounted for 10.74 million, 13.60 million and 11.28 million respectively. The ORG has estimated that the number of child labor is closer to 44 million. According to U.N., 55% of the work force in India is made up of child labor. It is normally seen that employers do not always provide accurate data on child labor in order to safeguard themselves from legal hassles. It was pointed out in the World Conference on Children that the number of child labor in the world is about 25 crore, out of which the maximum number about 10 crore is found in India alone. It is estimated that about 7.5 crore are engaged in rural areas while remaining 2.5 crore are employed in urban areas. Alarmed at this critical problem, ILO has also estimated that India alone accounts for one fourth of tot al child labor of the world. Childlabor is rampant across the country. Children can be seen working in agricultural fields, carpet and durri industries, biri, handicraft, match box, glass and bangle industries, in restaurants and as domestic servants. It is estimated that 30 per cent of child labor is engaged in agriculture and allied activities, 30 to 35 percent in industries and remaining are engaged in mining, tea gardens and hotels etc. These occupations are hazardous, causing severe physical damage to them and thus inhibiting their mental, moral and social development. These child laborers become prey to many fatal diseases, like T.B., Cancer, Asthma, lungs and skin related diseases. The sad plight of child labor is depicted by Sudha and Tiwari in these words,It is really sad to note that children in most of the developing countries are living miserable, cheerless lives, toiling unendlessly to ward off starvation, totally deprived of all comforts and opportunities for self growth and development. Poverty, unemployment, traditional attitude, marginalization of farms, urbanization, lack of schools, reluctance of parents to send their children to schools are the factors responsible for the problem of child labour. In fact, poverty is seen as the major factor responsible for this problem. Poor parents hardly have time for their children because they are all the time struggling for bread and butter. They are not in a position to fulfill their responsibilities towards children. In reality, the children are supposed to be the extra earning hands, rather than extra mouths to feed. Children are made to work at a very young age. Emphasizing this factor, the report of the Committee on Child Labor commented, Stronger than tradition is the factor of chronic poverty responsible for the prevalence and perpetuation of child labor. In poor families, the child, since his very appearance in this world, is endowed with an economic mission.The child is compelled to shed sweat of brow to keep the wolf away from the door. Large sized families are also held responsible for this problem. Again, most of the workers are engaged in non organized sector. The inadequacy of wages in this sector compels these workers to send their children on work to supplement their income. Availability of child labor at lower wages also motivates the employers to employ them. The employment of the child labor not only reduces the cost of production but also provides access to that labor which is unresisting and unorganized. As a result of this trend, the wages of other adult workers decline, adult unemployment increases and that paves way for the poverty. Nurses vicious circle of poverty explains the phenomenon of child labor clearly. Thus, child labor is an exploitation of child by the vested interests. On the one side, there is compulsion of poor parents and on the other side; the unresponsive attitude of specific industries is also responsible for this problem. The situation of child laborers in India is desperate. Children work for eight hours at a stretch with only a small break for meals. The meals are also frugal and the children are ill nourished. Most of the migrant children, who cannot go home, sleep at their work place, which is very bad for their health and development. Seventy five percent of Indian population still resides in rural areas and are very poor. Children in rural families who are ailing with poverty perceive their children as an income generating resource to supplement the family income. Parents sacrifice their childrens education to fulfill the basic needs of their younger siblings and view them as wage earners for the entire family. Irrelevance of education in practical life is also considered an important factor for this problem. It is rightly pointed out, A secondary reason for child labor is that many children choose to work because neither they nor their poverty stricken families see the point of acquiring an education which has little relevance to their lives and which moreover does not guarantee them a job. They prepare to undergo some kind of apprenticeship so that they can learn a skill and earn money at the same time. These children are deprived of their childhood. The prospects of getting good education and good jobs become a distant dream for them. Thus, the parents, society and the state are responsible for thi s criminal injustice with the future citizens. Children are flowers of our national garden they should be nurtured with love and affection so that; they grow into responsible and responsive citizens. Child labour has important demographic and social-economic implications for developing countries like India. Many provisions have been made in the constitution of the country to promote the welfare and development of children. Under Article 29 of the constitution, no child below the age of 14 can be deployed in any hazardous work. Article 23 prohibits forced labour. The chapter IV of theIndian constitution mentions specific directions related to the welfare of children. In Article 39, it is made obligatory for the states to formulate polices in such a way so that the healthy development of children can be ensured. To safeguard the interests of these deprived children, various laws have been enacted in the country. Many legislations have been passed to prevent the employment of children in hazardous occupations and to improve their working conditions. Many policies have also been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of children. In the same way, there are important legislations which provide legal protection to child labour in India. Some of them are following: 1. Child (Pledging of labour). Act (Government of India, 1933) 2. The Employment of Children Act (Government of India, 1938) 3. The Minimum wages Act, 1948 4. The factories Act, 1948 5. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951 6. The Mines Act, 1952 7. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 8. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 9. The Apprentices Act, 1961 10. The Bedi and Cigar Workers Act, 1966 11. State Shops and Establishment Acts, 12. According to the National Policy for children, 1974, no child under 14 years can be engaged in any hazardous occupation. It is also laid down in the policy that children should be protected against neglect, cruelty and exploitation. Again, the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act was initialed in 1986 to ban childrens employment in 70 hazardous occupations. National Child Labour Project (NCLP) was also launched by Labour Ministry in 1988 to rehabilitate working children. In Oct, 2006, the Government has passed legislation to ban the employment of children below 14 years in restaurants, hotels, tea-stalls, eateries and as domestic laborers. India has also become a signatory to various international declarations and agreements to regulate the menace of child labour. So, it has become obligatory for the country to undertake the measures to eliminate the scourge of child labour which has assumed serious proportions in recent years. Many policies have been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of children. The Government has launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal Scheme, Education Guarantee programme etc to bring the child labour under the umbrella of education. Non Governmental Organizations were also permitted to open residential schools for these children to bring them back to the mainstream of the society. Residential and special schools have also been setup for the education of child labor. In 2006 the Government has introduced Integrated Child Development services aimed at providing a package of services consisting of supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check up and education and non-form al education. In spite of adoption and implementation of various policies, laws and programmes by the government directly or indirectly, the problem of child labor is still staring at us. Due to ignorance, illiteracy and economic compulsions of the poor families, these laws are evaded at different places at different points of time. Weak enforcement machinery, little information related to child labor laws and peculiar socio-economic conditions are also the factors responsible for the avoidance of laws related to children. To check the problem of child labour, it is essential to eradicate the menace of poverty by improving agriculture sector, providing employment to unemployed hands at minimum wages, establishing agro-processing units in rural areas. Stringent measures should also be taken to make employment generation and poverty eradication plans effective and successful and corruption free. In the same way, population control measures and other medical facilities must be provided to the poor section of the country. Adequate school facilities, provision of night schools, improvement in school environment and curricula of education can also contribute a lot in solving this critical problem. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) should also ensure that rescued child labourers do not return to work. So every effort must be made for the repatriation of rescued child labourers to their native places. Poverty, unemployment and illiteracy are the prime reasons responsible for this problem. So efforts must be made to eradicate these causes. Monetary incentives and income generating assets must be provided to poor families so that they are not compelled to send their children to work. It is essential to compensate the families of those children who are being withdrawn from work force. A strong socio-political environment must be achieved with the active cooperation of people, society, and non government organization. NGOs must motivate the parents to provide education, health care and skill development facilities to their children. Special schools may be set up for the child labor so they can acquire minimum qualifications. In the same way, specific strategies must be evolved keeping in mind the nature of work in which the child is currently engaged. Thus, a joint effort of government, NGOs and society is required to solve this critical problem. We should try to strike at the root ca use of this critical problem. Efforts should be made to change the attitude and mindset of the people towards their children. We should never forget that todays children are tomorrows citizen. If this critical problem is not tackled urgently, we can well imagine the future of our country in the days to come. 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Young Persons Development Children And Young People Essay
The Young Persons Development Children And Young People Essay Parents that are going through a marriage breakdown, divorce and separation can be stressful for all involved particularly the children/young person. They can become emotionally withdrawn and suffer a lack of confidence which can create low self esteem. Due to family upheaval, they may lose focus in their own abilities and suffer mentally. Similarly, children from single parent families may suffer from a lack of a male/female role model which can cause social stigma. Dual parents and lone parents may have to work long hours, leaving little room for direct social, emotional and intellectual support. Becoming part of a new step-family through a parent meeting a new partner can cause friction between children from each side. This could lead the child/young person to become socially and emotionally withdrawn which could increase the risk of bullying by peers. Having numerous siblings can have an impact on children causing additional needs to be met. Children may feel frustrated with lack of attention within the home and also may be required to assist with siblings needs which could cause social and emotional problems. Additionally, becoming a brother/sister to a new sibling for the first time can be stressful and having to adapt to not being an only child can be difficult at first and can create an emotional strain on the child. Being part of a social care system through neglect, physical/emotional abuse and loss of parent can prove difficult for children and although this can largely be a positive experience for many, it can also lead to problems within all areas of development particularly in relation to social and emotional areas. Having a sick parent/carer can be extremely challenging for children, their social and emotional wellbeing can be affected with having to endure possible social stigma and suffer emotionally if not supported in the correct manner. Time off from school may cause intellectual issues and additional help may be required. Family bereavement can be extremely traumatic for children even when a child/young person has been prepared. This can create emotional strain and unexpected outbursts of emotion should be expected. Socially, children may feel different from their peers who havenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t experienced bereavement. They may suffer intellectually due to missing school days and also concentration and behaviour may be affected when they are in school. Moving house and/or area can be difficult for children as they have to adjust to a whole new social situation with changing schools and adapting to new routines. Children may become socially introverted and display high levels of emotion. Cultural differences can affect a child/young person through English being spoken as a second language which can cause a lack of confidence at school and additional intellectual support being required. Health There can be many health aspects that affect a child/young personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s development. Children become extremely resilient and are often able to manage their conditions very well; however, certain aspects of their development can prove challenging throughout periods of ill health. Children may suffer from conditions such as asthma, which if not well controlled, can cause children to have extended periods of time off from school. This in turn leads to intellectual development being compromised as well as social development due to relationships not being maintained. Disability in children, whether it be physical or intellectual can be particularly difficult. A child that has a hearing impairment may suffer physically through loss of balance or socially through having to communicate in alternative ways such as sign language/makaton. A physical disability such as Cerebral Palsy can be physically challenging due to being restricted in taking part in certain activities. This can affect social situations due to these restrictions and can affect a child/young person emotionally questioning why they are different causing low self-esteem. Being diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer as a child/young person can also prove to lead to developmental issues. All areas of development can be compromised, intellectually, through missing school and being too ill to complete set work. They may suffer physically depending on the specific illness causing them to be weak and/or in too much pain and discomfort to complete physical activities. Socially they may be too ill to interact with others and/or maintain friendships. They may also become emotionally withdrawn and find it difficult to cope with their emotions. Allergies affect many children, particularly food allergies; this in turn can lead to social problems as they may become excluded from certain situations where their allergies are not known. In contrast they may feel a certain social stigma as their allergies are highlighted, for example; when eating lunch at school, they may be required to wear a special badge which shows their allergies, causing them to feel different from their peers. They have to be more physically aware of their condition and how this can cause changes in their body and manage this accordingly. Environment Environmental factors can play a huge part in affecting a child/young personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s development. These can vary from cultural factors to living conditions. Children/young people from less advantaged backgrounds who live in poverty can have their development seriously compromised. They are less likely to have educational support from parents/carers which in turn creates intellectual problems for the child/young person. This is further influenced by having a lack of learning resources available such as access to computers and books. They may become disillusioned with education from an early age which sets them on a path of social and emotional turmoil. Also, they may suffer socially by not being able to participate in certain paid activities offered through school and outside school which means they interact less in physical activities. They may also feel that they cannot compete with their peers with regards to fashion trends and owning the latest technology. They might not seem to be as physically strong as their peers; parents/carers might experience difficulty in providing healthy, regular meals which can cause problems with their phy sical well-being. Their emotions can seem quite immature at times and they may well become emotionally withdrawn but also prone to emotional outbursts associated with behavioural difficulties, displaying a lack of attention.
Monday, August 19, 2019
John Adams versus John Quincy Adams Essay -- essays research papers
Even though John Adams (1735-1826) and John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) were father and son, also they were our President in the United States but they are not the same. The differences are their early lives, the early political career, and major presidential actions. The early lives of John Adams and John Quincy Adams are different. John Adams?s father, who also named John, sent his son ? young Adams to Harvard College at age fifteen, and he expected him to become a minister. His father was working hard to make young Adams?s life different than his own which was to become an educated person. However, John Adams did not want to become a minister. After he graduated in 1755, he taught school for few years in Worcester, and that allowed him to think about his career choice. After much reflection, he decided to become a lawyer, and studied law in the office of James Putnam, a prominent lawyer in Worcester. In 1758, he was admitted to the bar. He put the skill to good use as a lawyer, often recording cases he observed so that he could study and reflect upon them. His report of the 1761 argument of James Otis in the superior court of Massachusetts as to the legality of Writs of Assistance is a good example. On the other hand, John Quincy?s fat her which is John Adams did not push him to become a minister. Moreover, John Adams brought young Adams to France (1778 ? 1779) and to the Netherlands (1780 ? 1782) to acquire his early education at institutions at the University of Leiden. John Adams let his son explored the world more than his own father did. At age fourteen, young Adams accompanied Francis Dana on a mission to St. Petersburg, Russia, to gain recognition to the new republic. He also spent time in Finland, Sweden, Den... ... appointed him. He felt he deserve credit for helping to set this country on the right path towards freedom, prosperity, and loyalty to the country. Although they might not appreciate it now, his confident future generations will follow his lead to make this country the best it can be. For that generation he could offer this, once you set your goals, never give up. He had numerous jobs as minister and ambassadors to many different countries before he finally won the election to become the President. The path he traveled was not easy, but I think he believed his hard work paid off. I think if he still alive today he would probably take revenge on all those crooked politicians he had been hearing about who take bribes and shred confidential documents. They deteriorate the fabric this country was built on, and it will be a long time before it is fully repaired.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Outsiders Essay -- Essays Papers
The Outsiders The title of the story is The Outsiders. S.E. Hinton wrote it. Dell Publishing published the book. The main characters include Ponyboy, Darry, Soadapop, Dally Winston, Johnny, Cherry, Two-Bit, and Marcia. This story is about a guy names Ponyboy who is a â€Å"greaser†, a member of a group of lower-class youths who wear their hair long and greasy, wear jeans and ripped-up T-shirt, and are at odds with the rich-kid bullies known as the â€Å"Socs†, shorter name for socials. One day, as Ponyboy is walking home from a movie, he is jumper and beaten by a gang of Socs. At the last minute, his gang of greasers (including his brothers Darry and Sodapop, who raised Ponyboy now that their parents are dead,) the hardened hood Dally Winston, innocent Johnny, and wise-cracking Two-Bit see what’s going on and save him. The next night, Ponyboy and Johnny go to a movie with Dally. There they sit behind some attractive Socs girls and dally hits on the obnoxiously. After Johnny tells him to stop, Johnny and Ponyboy sit with the girls, Cherry and Marcia, and Ponyboy and cherry discover to their mutual surprise that they have a great deal in common. Two-bit appears, and the three gr easers walk the Socs girls back to Two-Bit’s house so that he can drive them home. On the way, the run into Bob and randy, the girls’ drunken boyfriends, and the girls agree to leave with them in order to prevent a fight between the Socs and the greasers. Ponyboy is very late getting him, and his bro...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Florida Department of Management Services
The network was up and running and it was secure and reliable, but the speed was slow and the interface clumsy. The applications around the database were old, out of date and were only in batch-mode with fixed-transaction access. The system were complex and when user tried to get something out of the ordinary, they had to wait for days or weeks for the mainframe programmers developing what was needed. The system is equipped with a firewall to prevent unauthorized access, by analyzing and controlling the incoming and outgoing data network traffic, it is a software or hardware-based network security but it â€Å"blocks†all network traffic, slowing and causing inconvenience. DMV is intended to start doing e-commerce and this will take an extra care involving security because this applications takes a lot of work, and by adding more security features on the fly would prove problematic once it takes an extended amount of time to close exploits, and it involves more than one department. The use of SSL certificates, HTTP and HTTPS must be utilized to protect and authenticate users and employees from packet sniffing hostiles and hacker’s attack. Transition process: The SNA network controller processors were connected to T-1 and T-3 lines in 10 cities. The controller for the communications was within the token ring local area network, computer are connected in a ring or star topology, to prevent collision from computers when they are trying to send messages at the same time. The token rings could also support the terminals of personal computers and other computer equipment. The controllers were designed to handle SNA traffic out of and into the mainframe computers. In order to transform the infrastructure of SNA router network, all the Department of Management Services had to connect the boxes, and link them to the central site router of the data center. Critiques: The DMS provides numerous serivices and support for its employee's and state agencies, allowing 6000 users to access the mainframe application in tallahassee. The shared services gave support for human resources, aloowing users to access information anytime available on the Web servers and on the Web servers at vendor sites, such as reviewing informations about contracts and suppliers. There are specialized services, such agency administration, job-posting service and numerous other services available. The virtual enviroment for providing services is being used by the DMS. They utilize the internet and intranet through their Web portals. To protect the DMS system from unauthorized access, the DMS employed several people on a full time basis to review information, format it, followed by entering them into the mainframe computers. Additional Services: The Florida Department of Management Service built a large information systems network, in the early 1990s, to connect 10 regional sites with the data center in Tallahassee serving the state government agencies. The network was developed to use the proprietary Systems Network Architecture from IBM. The DMS was happy with their current set up however they felt the need to expand applications and services. The idea was to incorporate TCP/IP capabilities and Internet access, exploiting the Internet was the primary goal. It did not take long to implement and the DMS created a state wide TCP/IP network where they began offering Internet services to local and state agencies. They also created a suite of applications that would assist in personnel, billing systems online and accounting. The DMS saved $4 million dollars for the state plus an increase in productivity. The DMS should add a feedback service box to its portfolio. The information gathered from its customers would provide users the oppruntunity to improve the service and the system what they may be lacking.
Gun Control †the right solution?! Essay
Is gun control really the right solution to gun abuse? Will this really be effective? Will the American society be safer when guns are banned? Though there are many questions, there is only one answer: NO!! Liberals have tried to argue that banning guns from civilians is the best way to solve this problem. However, this is not the right way to solve this problem for many reasons:First, to get facts straight, guns do not kill people; people kill people 100% of all homicides are committed by people. Secondly, banning would only leave criminals with guns, since they obtain them illegally anyway and law-abiding citizens would have no means of protection. Criminals now are committing less violent crimes that have minimal contact with people, knowing the fact that they might own guns, so if guns are banned criminals would commit more violent crimes. Banning guns would give the government complete control over the people, by stripping them from their natural rights. Lastly, guns have caused more benefit than harm. According to statistics, in 2005 gun ownership by citizens had stopped 2 out of 3 rapes. The majority of people want gun ownership, polls in 2006 have shown that about 86.25% of Americans do not want guns banned. Second, guns mostly used by law-abiding citizen have mostly been used for self-defense. Mr. Thomas Harrison, 60, says One time a robber broke into our house and tried to molest my daughter fortunately I got my gun from my drawer and popped a cap right into his knee. Guns are weapons of oppression, if guns were banned only oppressors would have guns and the oppressed would even be more miserable. The founding fathers of this nation have made the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment; the same founding fathers who set up a government that still runs and functions as they envisioned. These founding fathers died and sacrificed themselves for the American people so that they keep their natural rights and now these so called liberals want to change this right just because they think its harmful. If the American people actually let them do this what else, would the government try to extort from the peoples natural rights?Third, the problem with guns is that people are not ethically and morally behaved. If schools educated their students about guns and their consequences, most shots might not have been fired. Second, if parents were more responsible keeping weapons away form their children, and raised their children in the proper and right way, Americans would probably not have these problems. Guns should not be banned instead, they should be hard to find and obtain. Though this might sound strange, bullet, and shell prices should increase so that they are not affordable. Furthermore, background checks should be more thorough, and gun purchasers should take a safety course and be officially certified by the government. In addition, bulletproof vests should be more available for workers in banks and other work places where valuables are stored. Moreover, schools should start teaching students how to cope with life, so that the new generation might have a chance in living in a peaceful society or era. Hopefully, if these suggestions and policies are followed the crime and homicide rate in the United States will drop by an estimated 35%. Liberals and gun control supporters might say that guns are the major weapons of murder and crime and that if banned crime would decrease. This is not true because some criminals will obtain these weapons illegally or use other types of weapons in order to commit their crimes. Once again, people kill people not guns or any other type of weapons. The answer to this problem is education not violation. In other words, stick to the constitution and start educating.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Democracy Is the Best Form of Government
Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equallyâ€â€either directly or through elected representativesâ€â€in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.The term originates from the Greek (demokratia) â€Å"rule of the people†,[1] which was coined from (demos) â€Å"people†and (kratos) â€Å"power†in the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens; the term is an antonym to â€Å"rule of an elite. †The English word dates to the 16th century, from the older Middle French and Middle Latin equivalents.A democratic government contrasts to forms of government where power is either held by one, as in a monarchy, or where power is h eld by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy. Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy,[2] are now ambiguous because contemporary governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements. Karl Popper defined democracy in contrast to dictatorship or tyranny, thus focusing on opportunities for the people to control their leaders and to oust them without the need for a revolution. 3] Several variants of democracy exist, but there are two basic forms, both of which concern how the whole body of eligible citizens executes its will. One form of democracy is direct democracy, in which eligible citizens have direct and active participation in the decision making of the government. In most modern democracies, the whole body of eligible citizens remain the sovereign power but political power is exercised indirectly through elected representatives; this is called representative democracy.The concept of representative democracy arose largely from ideas and institutions that developed during the European Middle Ages, the Age of Enlightenment, and the American and French Revolutions Definition While there is no universally accepted definition of â€Å"democracy,†[5] equality and freedom have both been identified as important characteristics of democracy since ancient times. [6] These principles are reflected in all eligible citizens being equal before the law and having equal access to legislative processes.For example, in a representative democracy, every vote has equal weight, no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative, and the freedom of its eligible citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution. [7][8] One theory holds that democracy requires three fundamental principles: 1) upward control, i. e. sovereignty residing at the lowest levels of authority, 2) political equality, and 3) social norms by which individuals and institutions only consider acceptable acts that reflect the first two principles of upward control and political equality. 9] The term â€Å"democracy†is sometimes used as shorthand for liberal democracy, which is a variant of representative democracy that may include elements such as political pluralism; equality before the law; the right to petition elected officials for redress of grievances; due process; civil liberties; human rights; and elements of civil society outside the government. [citation needed] In the United States, separation of powers is often cited as a central attribute, but in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the dominant principle is that of parliamentary sovereignty (while maintaining judicial independence). citation needed] In other cases, â€Å"democracy†is used to mean direct democracy. Though the term â€Å"democracy†is typically used in the context of a political state, the principles also are applicable to private orga nizations. Majority rule is often listed as a characteristic of democracy. [by whom? ] Hence, democracy allows for political minorities to be oppressed by the â€Å"tyranny of the majority†in the absence of legal protections of individual or group rights. An essential part of an â€Å"ideal†representative democracy is competitive elections that are fair both substantively[10] and procedurally. 11] Furthermore, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are considered to be essential rights that allow citizens to be adequately informed and able to vote according to their own interests. [12][13] It has also been suggested that a basic feature of democracy is the capacity of eligible voters to participate freely and fully in the life of their society. [14] With its emphasis on notions of social contract and the collective will of the eligible voters, democracy can also be characterized as a form of political collectivism because it is d efined s a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. [15] While democracy is often equated with the republican form of government, the term â€Å"republic†classically has encompassed both democracies and aristocracies. Democracy is the best form of government. Yes because†¦ Freedom Democratic states nearly always have freer people than autocratic states. They obviously have the right to vote for their government so by extension deciding the policy of their nation and what their nation should be like.They have more freedom of speech and expression than in autocracies. In particular they are free to criticise their own government. Represents the people The biggest virtue of Democracy is that it is government by the people for the people. The government represents the views of the people who elect them and can throw them out if the government does things that the people do not like. Unlike other forms of g overnment democracy is about the little man, everyone rather than the elite that are often disconnected from how everyone else lives their lives.Better governance due to transparency Democracy is as much about having checks and balances to the executive and having transparency of decision-making as it is about elections and the populace throwing governments out of power. In a democracy the parliament, the media and sometimes the judiciary all keep an eye on the executive and what is being done with the people’s money. They are therefore able to see if the executive is doing things that are detrimental to the country, are immoral, or even illegal. This can then be brought to a halt.Even where such actions are not visible on the surface there are separate institutions that have the power to investigate the executive and watch any ‘secret’ deals or actions that are going on away from public view. Respect of Human Rights Democracy as much it is understood, is the gov ernment of the people, by the people and for the people. If democracy is put at it appropriate performance, then, all facet of human rights is respected. The citizens would have the rights to exercise freedom of speech concerning the well-being of the populace in areas of the economy, education, health, infrastructural development, etc.Promotes Human Rights As much as Democracy is understood, it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The ability of the people to have a voice in the running of the State, in the economy, health, education, infrastructural development, etc creates a bit-balanced environment for governance to thrive; this can only be achieved in a democratic governance. This is not the case. The most developed and richest countries are all democracies.While they may well have been developing their democracies during their initial industrialisation democracy and the freedom it brings is increasingly necessary for economic growth once the country has moved to being mostly dependent upon services rather than manufacturing or natural resource exploitation for economic growth. Once this occurs then creativity becomes important and the freedoms associated with democracy are needed to foster this creativity that is needed for industries such as information technology, creative arts, research and development etc.Democracy is the best form of government. No because†¦ Freedom Except for the freedom to choose the government there is no reason why people cannot be as free under an autocracy as in a democracy. Represents the people Democracy does not do very well at representing the people. In first past the post systems a government may not even have the support of a majority of those who voted not even including that many will not have votes and many more will not have the vote. This means that it is often a small minority of the population who determines which party gets in to government.Once they are there they are rarely rep resentative of the people as they have several years to do what they like. Yes they need to think about re-election but that simply means they need to do more that the people like than the people dislike (or else have a good advertising campaign). Better governance due to transparency While this is mostly found in democracy it is not something that has to be exclusive to democracies. Autocracies can potentially be transparent and have checks and balances they however often do not simply because an autocracy often has the time, and the willingness to use force to prevent these from occurring.Economic growth Autocracies are better at big projects, they can get things done and as such they are likely to be better at creating economic growth if they have the will. In an autocracy there are not the avenues for dissent that can block building projects, the police or troops can be used to clear protests that in the west would slow down large infrastructure projects. As a consequence of thi s all the infrastructure that is needed to create a modern economy can be produced quicker and cheaper than would be the case in a democracy.Also the resource base of the country can be accessed faster (no pesky environmentalists preventing drilling and mining! ) and used more efficiently. Increasingly about money In some countries democracy seems to be increasingly about money. The U. S. is the obvious example where millions are spent on elections with big events and glitzy advertising campaigns. This is not what democracy should be about and it discourages other countries from moving along the path to democracy. Indeed it undermines the very idea of democracy. Democracy when money is involved to the extent that it is in the U. S. A. ecomes elitist and corporatist because only the elite and rich businessmen can afford to fund the campaigns for congress let alone for the presidency. The 2008 campaign for the White House cost $1. 6 billion and the whole 2008 election including senate and house of representatives races cost $5. 3 billion. Autocracies obviously avoid this immense expense by avoiding elections. Is democracy the best form of government? Disagree : By Richard What if someone was in power who cared about the people, stood for the people, was in touch with the people and was not corrupted by the power that Dictatorship brought him.Yes, it seems unlikely but what if? We could have the ability to do more, faster with less red tape, paperwork, and continual discussion (as with a dictatorship) coupled with the freedoms of democracy. The problem is the people always believe the mob (majority) to be right. The truth is people are easily manipulated when in a crowd or together as a majority on an issue. It takes but one person to convince 10 000 that his conviction is the right one. Nevermind what the minority of free thinkers, academics, intellectuals, or revolutionaries have to say or have warned against. Political Ideology is not the problem.Humans are. W e are self-righteous, greedy, self-serving, destructive, and worst of all manipulative. People always point me to the selfless acts of others they have witnessed in order to prove me wrong on my previous statement. But the fact is these selfless people are in the tiny minority, or as with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, already have 10 houses, 4 cars, 2 security guards and a 10 mil bank account. â€Å"Giving†to the poor doesn't detract from their riches as they resupply their wealth with shares bought and sold or actually working. Thus, they aren't losing wealth. They simply aren't gaining more.We need the minority just as much as we need the majority. That minority of free thinkers, academics, intellectuals, and revolutionaries are the ones that changed the world. They brought us medicine, computers, a better understanding of science and space, but most important of all a curiosity for knowledge. Democracy should protect the rights of the minority more often than it does. We r ely too much on what the mob thinks, when in actual fact they don't think. They just regurgitate the drivel fed to them by some sob who knows how to manipulate the mob for his own profit. And that is the biggest problem facing democracy.How do you overcome the this human condition where if we are in large groups, emotion replaces logical thought? Disagree : By Prashanth I think there are better forms of government other than democracy. Dictatorship is not completely bad neither is democracy completely good. Consider this form of government– Instead of having bulky political parties why not have leaders of parties etc stand as candidates for the post of President/Prime Minister. The people can directly vote for them. Better still we could invite applications for this post from the citizens. Based on screening them for leadership track record,no criminal cases etc. e could select the top 5 or 10 most eligible candidates. People can select the candidate who is most popular/likab le for 5 years. He could then select experts from different sectors as ministers. He could hand pick distinguished people from different sectors as expert advisory group who could debate/discuss proposed laws. He can hand pick worthy local people for mayor position in cities/villages who should interact directly with people and pass immediate orders to solve their problems. He should have a citizens forum where people directly give ideas to the Prime Minister/President.The judiciary to oversee the constitutional validity of laws passed,Election Commission,Constitution and an ombudsman to check corruption etc all of them will be there. This form of government will cut flab,be efficient and agile. It will eliminate unworthy but popular people from getting elected. Also the people debating will be experts in their field. There is greater likelihood of better decisions. As it is today the party leaders only call the shots. Then why not have worthy leaders directly elected by the people. These leaders will keep a balance between expert opinion,constitutional provisions and public opinion.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Lee Harvey Oswald Was Not the Lone Assassin
On November 22nd, 1963, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was shot and killed in a motorcade running through Dealy Plaza, in Dallas, Texas. Shortly after, a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with the murder of President Kennedy. Over the years there has been much controversy over if Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact, the only man involved in the assassination of JFK. The assassination is still a topic of debate to this day and has spawned many conspiracy theories. At the time, there was little persuasive evidence to prove that Oswald was involved in any sort of conspiracy to assassinate the president, but as time went on people began to grow suspicious of certain things. In 1966, Mark Lane was one of the first to introduce the idea that Oswald did not act alone with the publication of his book Rush to Judgment. Now today, 75% of people believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone[1], 70% of respondents believed that the assassination involved more than one person[2]. Also 66% of Americans believe that there was a conspiracy, while 74% believed that there was a cover up[3]. It is inevitable that there is much confusion as to who was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, but I firmly believe that there is indisputable evidence that shows that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in the assassination. To start off, after the assassination took place and Oswald was captured, authorities changed the identity of the murder weapon many times. For instance, Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone and Deputy Constable Seymour Weitzman both initially identified the murder weapon as a 6. 5 mm Carcano rifle, but the following day Weitzman signed affidavit describing the weapon as a 7. 5mm Mauser bolt action rifle, equipped with a 4/18 scope. Later on, investigators identified the rifle as a 6. 5mm Carcano, proving that Weitzman lied about the murder weapon. In his book, Mark Lane exploits this as the strongest reason why there was a cover up. He says â€Å"The strongest element in the case against Lee Harvey Oswald was the Warren Commission's conclusion that his rifle had been found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository building. Yet Oswald never owned a 7. 65 Mauser. When the FBI later reported that Oswald had purchased only a 6. 5 Italian Mannlicher-Carcano, the weapon t police headquarters in Dallas miraculously changed its size, its make and its nationality. The Warren Commission concluded that a 6. 5 Mannlicher-Carcano, not a 7. 65 German Mauser, had been discovered by the Dallas deputies. †Also many witnesses to the assassination were aggressively confronted and were told to keep quiet about what they saw. Acquilla Clemmons, who claimed she saw two men, not only Oswald, at the scene of Officer J. D. Tippet’s[4] murder, says a man armed with a gun confronted her at her house and told her not to speak of what she saw. Leading off of this, in the next three years following the assassination, 18 witnesses were mysteriously killed along with many people dealing with the investigation process. This is significant because it shows that it was not just a coincidence that out of the small number of people that were testifying as witnesses already, many were being killed off. Somebody wanted these witnesses quiet. These deaths seemed to follow a pattern. Whenever various government agencies started a new investigation to look further into the assassination, key people within the agency would be killed, and the investigations halted. Key people were murdered when the New Orleans District Attorney, Senate Intelligence Committee, and House Select Committee on Assassinations started to conduct efficient investigations. Another claim by the Warren commission is that a single bullet killed the president and wounded the governor. There are many flaws with this theory, most prominent being that if there was in fact only one bullet shot, it must have traveled through 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. Apart from this being very unlikely, the Zapruder film[5] shows President Kennedy being wounded in between frames 225 and 226, while Governor Connelly appears to have been wounded in frame 240. Pro conspiracy theorists believe that this is indisputable evidence that there were two shooters, because it is impossible to fire two shots from a Carcano rifle in less than 2. 3 seconds (43 frames in the film), meanwhile for anti conspiracy theorists it proves the single bullet theory correct. The evidence tips in favor of the pro conspiracy theorists because this shot is irtually impossible to successfully make. With the angle the bullet entered and the fact that there was so much to go through and the bullet came out in near perfect condition, with some bend in the back of the bullet, it is more likely that there were in fact two shots fired. Judging by the fact that it is impossible to fire two shots from a Carcano rifle in less than 2. 3 seconds, and the president and the governor were h it within 15 frames of each other on the Zapruder film, it only makes sense that there were two separate gunmen. Another reason why Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin is that he himself was assassinated two days after capture. While Oswald was being transported to the county jail, he was shot point blank on live television by a man named Jack Ruby. Ruby claimed to authorities to have murdered him to avenge the death of President Kennedy. He wanted to avenge Kennedy for patriotism and out of pity for the widow. Ruby owned a nightclub in Dallas at the time, and was also a known gangster and women and drug trafficker. Although Ruby claims to have murdered Oswald as revenge for killing President Kennedy, most people believe it was part of a cover up for a much larger conspiracy. After Ruby’s arrest, he was sentenced to death, only to have his trials postponed and die of lung cancer shortly after postponing the trial. While Oswald was in interrogation, he changed his story many times when asked routine questions such as â€Å"where were you at the time of the shooting†, or â€Å"explain to us what you did the day of the assassination†. He also denied any involvement in the incident even though there was evidence against him. Oswald was bound to face further, more intense interrogation in the future, and this is the reason most people believe that assassination of Oswald was to prevent him from talking about what actually happened in the Kennedy assassination. There were also many strange reports of President Kennedy’s brain being switched from when it was seen in evidence, to when the autopsy was performed. There were pictures of Kennedy’s brain for evidence showing immense damage to the rear, consistent with an exit wound and therefore evidence of a shot from the front. Meanwhile, the autopsy brain did not nearly show the same amount of damage in the back of the brain, and an exit wound in the front. Douglas Horne, the Record Review Board's chief analyst for military records said that he was â€Å"90-95%†certain that these brains were not the same. The idea of a brain switch is highly likely according to many investigators on the subject. This is evidence of a cover up because the way the bullet entered the brain could have shown numerous things to investigators. For one thing, it could have shown the angle and direction in which the bullet entered, proving that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have shot Kennedy from the 6th story of the Texas Book Depository because of the difference in the angles. It could have also shown multiple bullet wounds, disproving the single bullet theory, and ruling out Oswald as the lone assassin. In all, having investigators obtain Kennedy’s real brain would have been catastrophic to any conspiracy, for it would have proved that the conspiracy’s scapegoat Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin. The situation in which Oswald had supposedly shot Kennedy continues to seem less and less likely to be possible. Both Craig Roberts[6] and Carlos Hathcock[7] said that this assassination could not have been done how the Warren Commission says it was. â€Å"Let me tell you what we did at Quantico, we reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don’t know how many times we tried it, but we couldn’t duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can’t do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified ‘marksman' do it? â€Å"[8] This quote vividly disproves the idea that Oswald was the lone gunman. Two highly qualified snipers completely recreated the scene of the assassination, and could not make the shot in a copious amount of attempts, but a mere marksman Oswald could make the shots perfectly in one? These odds are extremely unlikely, and to think that it is even possible that Oswald could make a shot of this caliber is absurd. There are countless reasons why Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone gunman in the Kennedy assassination. The final verdict on the assassination of President Kennedy, is that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from a 6. 5 mm Carcano rifle out of the 6th floor window in the Texas Depository building, with one bullet missing the motorcade entirely, one bullet going through Kennedy’s back, and one bullet puncturing the back of Kennedy’s head, straight through to Governor Connelly, wounding him severely. An abundance of witness accounts clearly state that they heard shots elsewhere, and were told to be quiet about this, the shot Oswald would have had to make was impossible, Oswald was murdered two days after his arrest, the Zapruder film disproves the idea of the lone gunman, and there were many falsifications in the stories of Oswald and investigators about what happened that day, what weapon was used in the murder, the brain description, and what happened in interrogation. The lack of paperwork itself should have been enough to sway the opinions of a higher authority that there was something wrong with the investigation. Even when researching this topic, it is still not even clear what did happen on that horrible day. The Warren Commission, along with the Dallas Police, the FBI, and many other organizations, did an atrocious job of properly investigating and documenting the investigation of this assassination. If that is not sufficient, there is the fact that the way the final report claims this assassination happened is not humanly possible. This has been proven by highly trained snipers and well informed authority. Lee Harvey Oswald was not a sniping guru, nor was he the man who by himself killed President John F. Kennedy.
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