Friday, December 27, 2019
The Role of French Architecture in French Culture - 524 Words
French architectures plays an important role in its culture. The Arena of Nà ®mes is a Gallo-Roman style architecture located in the city of Nà ®mes. It was built around 70 AD and remodeled in 1863 to serve as a bullring. Nowadays, bullfights are banned due to its cruelness. Notre Dame de Paris is a Gothic style Catholic cathedral in Paris. It is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The Palace of Versailles is a baroque style royal Chà ¢teau. Versailles is famous not only as a building, but as a symbol of the system of absolute monarchy of the Ancien Rà ©gime. The Louvre Palace is a former royal palace located in Paris. The present-day Louvre Palace is a vast complex of wings and pavilions on four main levels which is the result of many phases of building, modification, destruction and restoration. As a result, it has a mixed style of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-Classicism and modernism. French architectures is the witness of its long history. French paintings is often closely related to history. Liberty Leading the People is a painting by Eugà ¨ne Delacroix. Delacroix shows a smoking battlefield scene. A woman personifying Liberty leads the people forward over the dead bodies, holding the flag of the tricolor flag in one hand and a musket with the other. This painting commemorates the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled King Charles X ofShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Style Of The Ancient Greece And The United States1141 Words  | 5 PagesNeo- Classicism in France and the United States The classical style of the ancient Athens, derived from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome in the 15th century, has had a universal impact on many cultures during previous time periods. 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This method of exacting obedience andRead MoreEssay about McDonalds Unhealthy Food Spreading Internationally1710 Words  | 7 Pagessuccessful in the United States, McDonald’s expanded. The company swelled abroad in 1969 with McDonald’s International (Fishwick, 1995). By 2001 there were over 28,700 restaurants in 120 countries (DeBres, 2005). McDonald’s put a lot of effort into architecture at atmosphere of International establishments. Den Fujita opened McDonald’s in Japan. He founded a few main rules which are now used globally. Build in the heart of the city using local builders. Tout the three mainstays: hamburgers, milkshakesRead MoreThe Chapel of Vence: Art and Enlightenment1008 Words  | 5 PagesFrance, is a small, minimalist building. The amalgamation of modern art and the sacred creates a unique spiritual experience in that it welcomes Christians and non-Christians alike to appreciate the artist’s religious symbolism. The elegantly simple architecture of the chapel, the use of light in the space, and the binary of colors on opposite walls have a calming, cleansing, and transformative effect that is undeniable. Matisse’s design takes a new turn into the modern technique, with clean lines andRead MoreEuropean Nations that Were Formed Due to Nationalist Ideas1643 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough the idea of the creation of the nation state began with the advent of the French Revolution but it took more than a century for the ideas of nationalism to become concrete enough to form the independent national state of France. the concept of Nationalism spread throughout Europe and slowly led to the creation of the modern democratic systems that we see around the world today, in the early 20th century. After the French revolution, feudalism and liberalism fell away paving the way for nationalism
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Why Do We Have The Minimum Wage - 860 Words
In general, people always think increase minimum wage would help some of people in poverty. Of course, when the poor can earn more money, they will have more money to spent on the their daily expenditure. Is it necessary to increase just several dollars to help the poor? I don’t agree with this piece of so-called benefit policy or law. Why do we have some of people in the poverty? There are so many reasons why people are in bad situation. However, according to textbook, there are two main deficiencies. First of all, people are in struggle in their life because of their inner problems including neither biological or culture problems influences. Another idea summarized by textbook is that social structural problems. Those problems†¦show more content†¦And the more he is worth to employers, the more he will be paid. Real wages come out of production, not out of government decrees.†The problem is that when minimum wages are raised, workers actually don’t produce what they are supposed to. Workers can earn extra money and do not equal to their contribution. Where is the extra money coming from? Neither the companies squeeze their profit or someone else pay for it to make a balance. When companies don’t have enough money to invest and invent new technologies. The cost of products won’ t eventually decrease. The standard of living won’t have essential decrease. In the long run, people’s life won’t improve. Our society stops moving forward. On the other hand, generally in the society, everyone works so hard to earn what he or she should produce. No one has responsibility to take care of those who don’t earn basic life necessaries. No one has to share limited payment to other people. In a word, everyone in the society has the equal right to live and is capable to pursuit what they really want. Like Chris Rock said: â€Å" I used to work at McDonald’s making minimum wages. You know what that means when someone pays minimum wage? You know your boss was trying to say? It’s like, â€Å"Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.†For the poor, they didn’t earn enough respect by seizing what they are supposed to have. The whole society also should respect every single one no matter where
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Implementing Supply Chain Information Systems †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Implementing Supply Chain Information Systems. Answer: Introduction Business process management is aimed at ensuring that there is continuous improvement of the organization through the use of quality systems and processes to manage production. The processes are aimed at providing quality products and services at a lower cost to achieve the long-term goals of production. This provides the procedures and plans that staff is required to follow in ensuring that there is the achievement of set long-term business operation. The external business environment is highly dynamic, requiring plans to provide sustainable business process management. The employees have the insight on which task to perform to achieve the set organizational objectives. Business management requires goal setting in ensuring that the vision of the business is well known by the employees when performing their activities. Employees are required to have an insight on the short term and long term objectives to accomplish the targeted market share. Competitive advantage in an organization makes it possible for an organization to have a sustainable performance in the market. Business Process Modeling as a Critical Success Factor in Implementing an ERP System by Mojca Indihar Stemberger, Vesna Bosilj Vuksic, and Andrej Kovacic indicates the need for an organization having business process management in improving efficiency and productivity. Organizations have been using enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to improve their productivity to acquire a competitive edge in the market. The system is used by organizations from different industries due to its features to manage the cash flow of an organization properly. The productivity is facilitated by the ERP system as the process is faster in dealing with employees and consumers. The information in the systems is highly reliable in deciding by an organization. An ERP system makes it possible to integrate various functions that are performance of an organization to achieve the set long-term goals of production The Enterprise Resource Planning system has integrated software which makes it possible to analyze critical success factors of an organization before developing a project and propose a framework for implementation of the project (Stemberger et al., 2009). The systems are aimed at ensuring that there is smooth of vital functions such as human resource management, sales, accounting, distribution, marketing, and supply chain in the organization. The potential benefits of the organization are an increased profitability due to efficiency during the production process. Therefore, it is evident from the journal article that business process management is essential in achieving a competitive edge in the set targeted market. Ram, Wu and Tagg 2014 in the article Competitive advantage from ERP projects: Examining the role of key implementation drivers supports that ERP system use in ensuring that there is a competitive edge in the market (Ram et al. 2014). The resources of an organization are properly managed to ensure that there is a production of quality products to the consumers. The ERP makes it possible to increase the information in the organization where the needed data is stored in the system. There is a better understanding of the organization when the organization implements ERP systems in various functions during production. The consumer needs to be required to be identified in ensuring that the organization can offer quality products and services to the consumers. Flexibility and adaptability of the system benefit an organization to handle the dynamic external environment for an increase in the competitive edge in the market. It provides a long time increase in production levels through the value addition of processes in the organization. Proper coordination of processes in the business makes it possible to handle the challenges in the market and work towards the achievement of a competitive edge. An organization is required to perform analysis of critical success factor to ensure that there is a proper implementation of the EPR system. This is where teamwork and the corporation are essential in providing a continuous increase in production from the use of the EPR system. It is essential for the management to develop a proper business model that will improve the sales volume of an organization. After the analysis of the business model, the management is supposed to come up with a decision if there is a need for change. It is important to have cultural and organizational readiness when implementing the ERP system to make it possible for the employee to adapt to the system(Stemberger et al., 2009). The analysis of critical success factors provides the management with the areas which required great focus during production. The organizational culture is the behavior of employee towards a particular decision of the management. The employees are required to have a positive organizat ional culture towards the implementation of the ERP system to ensure that there is a proper integration of the system in various functions of the business. Denolf, Trienekens, Wognum, van der Vorst and Omta (2015) support the need to consider critical success factors in effectively using the ERP system. It is important for a business to integrate various activities to ensure that there is an improved performance from business production. The use of advanced systems makes it possible for an organization to achieve set objectives and handle complex issues in the organization. The ERP system is required to consider the workforce performance and consumers interest in increased productivity from the application of the system in an organization. The ERP system is required to offer required data to the organization at a lower cost to maximize profit (Denolf et al., 2015). Redesign of the systems in an organization requires focusing on the consumer and employee feedback. This makes it possi ble to come up with a decision that will improve the performance of the organization through a continuous advanced of business process management. Identification of the critical success factors provides the required financial information required in coming to a successful budget. The implementation of the ERP system is required to be proper in ensuring that there is value addiction from the use of the system. Cost and revenue required to be properly evaluated by the management before using the ERP System. This makes it possible to forecast the effect of using the system in production where the organization is required to achieve a higher market share by implementing the system. It is important to identify the business needs and ERP system capabilities when coming up with a decision to use the system in the organization (Stemberger et al., 2009). Proper business process management provides an analysis of the cost incurred to integrate the system in production and the expected rate of return from using the system. The ERP systems are highly effective as they are integrated into all departments of an organization, thus reducing multiple uses of software in business process management. The systems used by an organization require meeting the extensive needs of bus iness production for a continuous progress of operation considering the needs of the organization. There is various ERP system to choose from requiring the management to have adequate knowledge about the system to ensure that the implemented is the most effective in increasing the production of the company. The ERP modules provide required information about the system which the management is required to evaluate when implementing the system in the various process of production. The ERP systems are vital in maintaining a stable information system in an organization through integration and dissemination of information (Kilic et al., 2015). An organizational size determines the ERP system to be implemented for the achievement of maximum profits from production. The cost of the system is a vital component that is required to be evaluated by the management when coming up with a proper system. There are different ERP systems suitable for SMEs, Medium business, and MNCs. Therefore the inve stment decision is required to identify the business need in coming up with an effective system to manage the information about the business. ERP systems are essential in re-engineering the performance of an organization through a continuous improvement of production. The use of technology in business processes makes it possible for an organization to achieve set objectives. Technology provides easy and fast techniques to deal with issues facing the organization. Business is required to implement advanced systems to ensure that there is a long survival of the business from the production of products and services. The system is required to provide end to end processing for a stable performance in the long run operations of the business. The business gap is identified by the management in ensuring that the system is properly designed to meet the various needs of the organization through securing of the important data of the business. The business and IT require integrating so that the organization can be able to have a continuous increase in production considering the changes in the technology (Stemberger et al., 2009). The ERP system is highly diversified to ensure that it satisfies the needs of a different business. The internal nod external business processes require evaluation to ensure that there is a successful ERP project in the organization. Ekman, Thilenius, and Windahl (2014) explain the need for considering the portfolio of an organization when coming up with an ERP system project. The system is required to come up with strategies that will improve the consumer and supplier relationship. This makes it possible to increase the performance of the business through a strong relationship between the relevant stakeholders of the organization using the ERP system (Ekman et al., 2014). It is important to engage the suppliers and consumers of the company in ensuring that there is a stable performance of the business using the latest version of ERP system. Supply chain management is improved by the system to improve the effectiveness of the distribution of products to the consumers. The IT experts are required to be involved in the implementation of the ERP system projects. This is where the experts provide the required communication about the system to ensure that the end users have the knowledge to use the systems (Stemberger et al., 2009). This reduces cases of conflicts in an organization as staffs have the knowledge and skills to improve the integration of information business processes. It is essential to have proper communication about the project to ensure that there is a change in organizational culture for a successful implementation of the project. The ERP is made successful when the management and staff work together in ensuring that there is a change in the business processes. The change in the organizational structure requires the human resource management to perform training and development programs that will make the system successful in business production. Communication in each stage of implementing the system provides the required ideas to dea l with unacceptable behaviors in the business through increased coordination of departments. ERP systems increase the sharing and distribution of information in the organization for a smooth flow of business processes. It is important to perform extensive training in ensuring that there is an achievement of business solution through the use of ERP software (Chang, 2016). Proper strategies are required to be formulated by the top management to ensure that the ERP system handles various business problems for an increase in a competitive edge. The ERP provides business solutions through effective communication in the organization which is vital in managing the operation of all departments. An ERP system provides the management with the required information about the business process, making it possible to control operations of the organization for the achievement of set goals. Conclusion From the review, it is clear that ERP systems provide an increase in business process management. This is through proper information systems which make it possible to handle various issues facing the organization. There is an improvement of efficiency and coordination through the use of the system in different departments of the organization. The information in the system assists the management in making decisions that will improve the performance of the business, thus acquiring a competitive edge in the targeted market. The ERP system is cost-effective in business process management as it can be integrated into all departments of an organization. Bibliography Chang, J., 2016. Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. CRC Press. Denolf, J. et al., 2015. Towards a framework of critical success factors for implementing supply chain information systems. Computers in Industry, pp.16-26. Ekman, P., Thilenius, P. Windahl, T., 2014. Extending the ERP system: considering the business relationship portfolio. Business Process Management Journal, pp.480-501. Kilic, H.S., Zaim, S. Delen, D., 2015. Selecting "The Best" ERP system for SMEs using a combination of ANP and PROMETHEE methods. Expert Systems with Applications, pp. 2343-2352. Ram, J., Wu, M.-L. Tagg, R., 2014. Competitive advantage from ERP projects: Examining the role of key implementation drivers. International Journal of Project Management, pp. 663-675. Stemberger, M.I., Vuksic, V.B. Kovacic, A., 2009. Business process modeling as a critical success factor in implementing an ERP system. South East European Journal of Economics and Business, pp.89-96.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Process Management Ikea free essay sample
Furnishing In order to compete in today’s challenging environment, the organization needs well-designed and well-executed work processes and understand of the importance of continuously improving as well as the customer needs and expectations. Economic growth has increased that led to the improvement in the lives of people so that it requires the products and services are given out with the better quality to meet the customer requirements. However, the service quality of the organization does not come from just the quality criteria that it comes up with. It is dependent on the level of satisfying the expectations of the customer and smarter designs and more effective process that lower cost and ultimately raise profits. Thus, like three other departments, furnishing department is also designed with its own characteristics and layout strategies aiming to satisfy the customer needs and strive for excellence in performance. In order to do that, the process management of furnishing department focuses on conformance to customers’ expectations. We will write a custom essay sample on Process Management Ikea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In fact, customers today are the judge of quality because they are very intelligent to recognize the quality issues of a business. Therefore, understanding and fulfilling the needs and expectations of customers is the key to success for the business. It means that the business needs to identify what the customer expects relating to its products and services. From the understanding of the customer expectations, the business converts them into the requirements. Based on these requirements, the business comes up with the right improvements on its product and services through the right process management that is depicted as follows: Resources Process Customer Product expectations Service Quality = Conformance o expectations Customer expectations According to Evans J. R (2008), most managers agree that the main reason to pursue quality is to satisfy customers. To do that, the organization needs to understand customers. From that, it can anticipate and monitor their needs and expectations and respond sensitively and appropriately to those ever-changing needs and expectations. For customers, a product or a service is c onsidered to have good quality as that product or service meets their requirements and expectations. That is absolutely true in almost all service industry. However, in today’s highly competitive market, satisfying customers’ expectations is not enough to achieve success. To beat the competition, the organization must exceed customer expectations. Understanding the importance of customer-driven quality, furnishing department has determined the customer expectations for its products and services. Based on its target market including middle-income earners of the age 25 – 40, the customers expect furniture that can meet criteria as follows: * well-designed * functional * convenient * especially affordable Well-designed: the first impression of the customer about the product is designed. The eye-catching product is often easy to attract the customer’s attention, especially the customers who are in the age of 25 – 40. For the home-furnishing products, well-designed factor plays the crucial role in their decision-making because furniture in the house is used to evaluate the host’s aesthetic sense and personality. Functional: In modern living, the customer always considers carefully the functional factor of the home-furnishing products that they intend to buy. Convenient: The customers often expect home-furnishing products to have the high convenience. With such high convenience, they can utilize all functions of the products thoroughly. Hence, the products must be designed to foldable, easily movable and suitable for all spaces. Affordable: the furnishing department mainly focuses on the middle-income earners and wishes to create a better everyday life for many people. Therefore, the furnishing department always strives for giving out the high quality home-furnishing products at a low cost Process management Processes that drive the creation of products and services are critical to customer satisfaction and have a large impact on the strategic goals of an organization (Evans J. R. , 2008). Applying the principles of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the process management of furnishing department Satisfaction and dissatisfaction information are important because understanding them leads to the right improvements that can create satisfied customers who reward the company with loyalty, repeat business, and positive referrals. Understanding customer needs, both current and future, and keeping pace with changing markets requires effective strategies for listening to and learning from customers, measuring their satisfaction relative to competitors, and building relationships. Customer needs – particularly differences among key customer groups – must be linked closely to an organization’s strategic planning, product design, process improvement, and workforce training activities. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction information are important because understanding them leads to the right improvements that can create satisfied customers who reward the company with loyalty, repeat business, and positive referrals. Creating satisfied customers includes prompt and effective response and solution to their needs and desires as well as building and maintaining good relationships. Customer opinion surveys and focus groups can help companies understand customer requirements and values IKEA have a user-friendly website from which you can view products and prices from shelving to candle sticks. Its customer service section offering a store locator, tips and ideas for organizing and decorating and even a virtual style guide You can also order a color photographic catalogue depicting all the products from the website to flip through at your leisure So you choose your items from the website or catalogue and go and pick them up from the warehouse, in some ountries they even deliver. The warehouse are laid out in a simple functional style with a bit of appropriate quirkiness, like a big clear plastic tank filled with bold solid colored balls for kids to play in Function is subservient to experience and style to the individual Quality is part of our heritage, one of our core values A process is how work creates value for customers Improvements in the work processes may lead to major reductions in scrap and defects and hence to lower costs. This is why an understanding of quality is still vital to every employee in every organization The results achieved by companies that have embraced quality and performance excellence as basis business principles Firms implementing effective quality and performance excellence approaches improve their business results on measures of income, sales growth, cost control, and growth in employment and total assets Customer-driven quality is fundamental to high-performing organizations. Quality excellence derives from well-designed and well-executed work processes and administrative systems that stress prevention. Customer-driven firms measure the factors that drive customer satisfaction. A company close to its customer knows what the customer wants how the customer uses its products and anticipates needs that the customer may not even be able to express.
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